Download the song of Morteza Ayrmelo Trakhtoor

 Download the song of Morteza Ayrmelo Trakhtoor

Trakhtur Morteza Ayarmelo song with two excellent quality (320 and 128) from Niaz Music website

Download Music By Morteza Ayrumlu Tiraxtur Mp3

 Download the knife dance song

The text of the Turkish song Trakhtur with the voice of Morteza Ayramlu

Ghimish Qirmzi Kovink, Gliram Wale

Yashasin Azaribaijan, Sisi Salam Dalyeh

San Bezim Ovina, Bach Doramadan Gadir Qabach

Beer Iki Guladi Vor Guzum Yoldadi

Trakhturon Bairaghi, Yashasin Dumor Shaghi

Gojvur Sesimi Doldor Yashasin Trakhtur


Ses var Sesimeh, Haidan Yashasin of Azerbaijan

Demki Ki Trakhtura Hairan Olan Torkadi

Only the grave of the people of Harasinda came to their side

Bo takem goroo and national beer takminan svileh gono

Gunn adi dunyada gujunn tanninir


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