Download Farhad Mard Tanha song


Download  Farhad Mard Tanha song

Old song and song of the lonely man by Farhad

Listen to 320 and 128 with the best quality and a direct link with the lyrics from the  Mahan Music  website

Download Song  Farhad Mehrad Marde Tanha

Farhad is a lonely man

Lyrics of song Farhad Tanha Man

With a silent voice, like a high mountain, like a short dream, it was a man, a man

With poor hands, with deprived eyes, with tired legs, he was a man

The night sat with the black coffin in his eyes and fell silent. The star fell to the ground

His shadow never left, he was never sad behind him , tired and alone

With thirsty lips, he did not reach the photo of a spring to see drops

Water drop Water drop

On a restless night, he would fall from side to side to enjoy it

Footsteps Footsteps Footsteps


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