Download the song of Majid Ishahi Ghazalam

Download the song of Majid Ishahi Ghazalam with the original quality of 320 with the lyrics and play online Majid Eslahi – Ghashangam Majid Ishahi is beautiful The text of the song Majid Islahi is beautiful Again, you are on the way to our love season As if both of us are in the same way From your point of view, you should understand what I am saying Turn around like every year Get whatever you want You are beautiful, my love is so much for the world Don't be sad, my dear, I will make your life better Everyone loves me, I only call you You know that I will take you wherever I am You were my luck from life to my beautiful bottom I turn away from you enough I am going to you on purpose Don't mess with us Maybe it was the other way around Don't fuck me, black man Don't go far, come soon Tell me, you were telling Kia What do you want me to tell you about? At night, my heart is in chaos Everyone says your heart is different from mine But you're doing well with me Peopl...